Wednesday, January 24, 2007

My First Visit

Yesterday was the first day I visited my assigned elementary school and although I was not able to begin tutoring I was still able to make some observations. The location of the school is not in the greatest part of town and the exterior of the school did not look that great, I didn’t feel it was as welcoming as an elementary school should be. The school is made of children that are of all different races and come from all different backgrounds. While watching some of the children interact in the main office after they got done with lunch, it seemed both of those things, race and background, did not affect the student’s abilities to interact with each other. I was also able to see how some of that school’s staff interacted with the children and although they seemed stern they showed compassion for the children by listening to their stories from recess and making sure they got to class on time. I met with the schools secretary and principal to discuss where I would be placed and what times I would be coming in for my weekly visit. Although I was not able to meet with the teacher I will be working with or the student(s) I will be tutoring I still was able to go into a classroom while class was in session and see some of the fifth grade students. Just walking into the classroom alone was an experience in itself. As I entered the classroom all of the boy started hooting and hollering making comments such as “whoot whoot, owww, owww” and “we get more of these girls, yes”. Because I am tutoring at the same school with two other females I know I was able to experience the children’s reaction to us when we walked in the classroom with people in the same position as my own. I could not believe that boys at such a young age were capable of acting this way. I didn’t know what to do until the teacher began to yell at them and stated “we will discus this behavior later!” Remembering my own elementary experience I was shocked at the behavior of these students. Although this first visit was somewhat overwhelming I can’t wait for next week to see what I will be doing and to meet with the student(s) I will be working with.

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